Duke - User Guide

By: JosephLimWeiJie Since: Feb 2019

1. Introduction

Duke is for those who prefer to use a desktop app to keep track of their to-do lists. More importantly, Duke is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI). Jump to Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure that Java 11 or above is installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest duke.jar here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Duke.
  4. Double-click on duke.jar to start the app. It should appear in a few seconds.
  5. Type in a command and press ENTER to execute it. For e.g. typing list and pressing enter will list all your current tasks.
  6. Some other commands you can try:
    • todo return book: adds a todo task to return a book
    • deadline Finish a movie /by 2019-12-01T10:00: adds a deadline task to finish a movie by 1 Dec 2019 at 1000 hrs.
    • event Midnight Party /on 2019-12-01T22:00 to 2019-12-01T23:59: adds an event task to attend a midnight party on 1 Dec 2019 at 2200 hrs to 2359 hrs.
    • done 1: Mark the first task as done shown in the current list.
    • bye: Exits the app
  7. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for more details of each command.

3. Features

Command Format

* Words in `UPPER_CASE` are the parameters to be supplied by the user. 
    * e.g. in `todo TASK_DESCRIPTION`, TASK_DESCRIPTION is a parameter
      to specify a task's description.    

* For a general todo task, a task description MUST be added
    * e.g. `todo TASK_DESCRIPTION`.

* For a deadline task, a date MUST be added right after the TASK_DESCRIPTION by using /by. 
    * e.g. `deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm` such as 2020-01-12T23:59. 
    * Note that you have to add 'T' between the date and the time.  
* For an event task, an event start and end date and time MUST be added 
  right after the TASK_DESCRIPTION by using /on.
    * e.g. in `event TASK_DESCRIPTION /on YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm to YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm` 
         such as 2020-01-12T10:00 to 2020-01-12T11:00`.
    * Note that you have to add 'T' between the date and the time.     

3.1 Adding a task: todo, deadline, event

Adds a todo, deadline or an event task into Duke.

3.2. Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all the tasks in Duke.

Format: list

3.3 Finding a task: find

Finds tasks that contain a given keyword.

Format : find KEYWORD

Example: find book

3.4 Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a specified task from Duke.

Format: delete INDEX

    * Deletes the task at the specified INDEX.
    * The index refers to the index number shown on the displayed task list.
    * The index must be a positive number 1,2,3,...

3.5 Filter tasks by date: filter

Filters tasks based on a given DATE.

Format: filter DATE

Example: filter 2019-01-01

* Note that the month and date MUST be in 2 digits. 
  If a date occurs on 1 Jan 2019, you have to add a ZERO in front. 

3.6 Complete a task: done

Marks a task as completed at the specified INDEX.

Format: done INDEX

* The index refers to the index number shown on the displayed task list.
* The index must be a positive number 1,2,3,..

3.7 Exiting the program: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data onto another computer?

A: Download or copy the previous Duke.jar onto the other computer and copy the storage.txt from the previous Duke folder onto your current new folder containing the Duke.jar.

5. Command Summary